Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Foundation's trip to San Diego

Dr. Kelly King and Matthew L. Cox/ Co-Founders of the Never Give Up Foundation on the USS Midway.

On the USS Midway.

Picture of the USS Midway.

Dr. Kelly King/Co-Founder of the Never Give Up Foundation

I like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to everyone who visits our Never Give Up Foundation blog. My name is Dr. Kelly King and I am currently an elementary school principal in the Glendale Unified School District. I am so incredibly proud of the work that Matt and I have done with children with learning disabilities and their parents. It has been very rewarding to see the hope come alive in their eyes as they reclaim their dreams for the future. This is why Matt and I began this Foundation and it is for this reason that we are committed to bringing this message of hope and dreams to more children, more parents, more schools, in more states. We’ve had the opportunity to work in Glendale and La Crescenta, California. Next month we begin our work in Utah. 2008 has been full of surprises and I can hardly wait to see what 2009 brings for the Foundation.

Recently Matt and I had the privilege of presenting at the annual Leadership Conference for the Association of California School Administrators in San Diego, California. This conference gave us the opportunity to network with hundreds of school administrators from around the State of California. We were able to share some of the core concepts that Matt teaches in our parent workshops and explain how the work we’ve done has had a positive impact on my elementary school. We met some incredibly dedicated administrators and are hoping to schedule workshops in Palm Springs (my home town), Orange County, San Diego County, and Northern California. What was most rewarding were the administrators who are parents of children with learning disabilities and how receptive they were of the Foundation and our message to “Never Give Up!”

I know that I’m biased because I’ve had many opportunities to watch Matt in action with students, parents, and educators – but he did a terrific job with the administrators who attended our conference session. Matt has the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level and without exception those students, parents, and educators walk away from the sessions comforted, refreshed, validated, and inspired.

What’s next on the Foundation’s travel itinerary? We are off to a December parent workshop in Washington, Utah and then another large conference in Monterey, California again for the Association of California School Administrators at their annual Special Education Symposium in January. Only 48 more states before we reach our goal of taking the Never Give Up message to every state in this incredible country! Word is spreading, connections are being made, and most importantly – lives are being touched and changed. Thank you for your support. This is really a word-of-mouth endeavor so please share this blog with everyone! We are actively seeking opportunities to present educator and parent workshops, work with students in roundtables, and do keynote speaking.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Up Coming Event

Never Give Up Foundation
1921 North Artesia Dr., St. George, UT 84770
9588 Sunland Place, Shadow Hills, CA 91040
(435) 215-8458
(818) 679-8069

Dear Parents,

We are having a very special parenting meeting “Parenting for Children with Special Needs.” Matt Cox from the Never Give Up Foundation will be speaking to you about how best to support your child with special learning needs. Matt Cox was in the Resource Program in elementary, middle and high school and has a learning disability. While learning was not easy for him and school was a challenge, he is a college graduate, currently working on his Masters degree and has an amazing story to share with you. He will review some of the concepts he presented in June and present new material.

This parent meeting will be held in the gymnasium of Washington Elementary, Saturday, December 13th, from 9:30am-2:30pm. Washington Elementary School is located at 300 North 300 East, Washington, Utah. Space is limited to 50 participants. There is no cost to parents but the Foundation is asking for donations to help offset the costs of presenting this workshop.

If you would like to reserve seats at the Parenting Workshop you may do so by:
Emailing the Foundation at; or
Calling Matthew L. Cox at (435) 215-8458.
Turning in the attached slip to Washington Elementary.

Please indicate the number of seats you would like to reserve and the name(s) of the participants. Again, space is limited to 50 parents so it is important that you get your reservation in as soon as possible.


Matthew L. Cox and Dr. Kelly King
Co-Founders, Never Give Up Foundation

Please reserve your spaces as soon as possible.
Spaces will be given in the order that these reservations are received.

“Parenting for Children with Special Needs”

YES! Please reserve me space(s) at the Saturday, December 13th
“Parenting for Children with Special Needs” parent meeting.

Parent’s Name:

Child’s Name:

Phone Number:

Child’s School:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Letters from my friends in room 18:)

Here are some letters from my dear friends in room 18. Thank you so much for your words of kindness and hope. Keep moving forward and Remember in the great words of Winston Churchill, "never never never give up".

Life Coach Matt,

June 18, 2008

Dear Matthew Cox
Thank you for coming to Room 18 to talk to us about RSP. It was a little different when you were in it. One thing, that I really enjoyed hearing was you have the cool software, that all you do is put on a headset on your head and you talk into it and it types for you. I found that really cool. If I had that I wouldn't ever have to type again. I really appreciate that you came to Rome 18 and talked to us about how you grew up and you had a learning disability. I felt that I could do anything even if I am in RSP. I think that you are a successful man even though you have a learning disability. That's what I think of you. Thank you so much! I hope that you can come to our school when I'm in sixth grade.

Your friend, In Room 18

Dear Matthew Cox

I thank you for taking your time with us. I really liked your speech. It was just as important to me as Dr. Martin Luther King's speech! I really liked it. It was quite fun. I have trouble in reading and writing. I think that it is very cool to have the same disability as you! Thank you, again.

Love, Room 18

Dear Mr. Cox

Thank you for all the time you have put in for us and we appreciate all you say to us. Thank you for driving all the way for us. No we know what to do when someone makes fun of us. Thank you for all the hard work you have done for us.

Sincerely, Room 18

Dear Matthew Cox

Thank you for coming in our room in talking to us. That was the best speech I've ever heard. It was really cool about college. You really encouraged me to be more than a firefighter you helped me to want to serve my country.

Sincerely, Room 18

Dear Mr. Cox

Thank you for your speech. Thanks.

Love, Room 18

Dear Mr. Cox

Thank you for the speech. It was cool to learn about your life. I hope I can be just like you have a job a dog and a happy life! Thank you very much for telling us about yourself.
Your friend, in Room 18

Dear Matthew Cox

Thank you for telling us how you grew up when you were young. I like when you want we want to be when you grow up. I want to make cars. I hope you get this letter. I hope you right back. Have a good summer.

Sincerely, Room 18

Dear Mr. Cox

Thank you so much for the speech. I was inspiring to hear you talk about your disabilities. I especially like caring about the computer that types why you speak. Good luck getting your master's degree.

Your friend, in Room 18

Dear Mr. Cox

I so appreciated your Conversation, time, and encouragement you gave my students. The work you do for children in need who do not believe in themselves is phenomenal.

Thank you and bless you,
Room 18

My Trip to Los Angeles

Hello everybody,

I felt inspired to write on the blog today to tell you a little about my trip. I just recently got back from Glendale which is the Los Angeles area. I was able to visit several schools and I wanted to write and share my feelings about my travels. This trip was very inspiring. I enjoyed meeting all the kids and young adults. I was very impressed by the teachers and what they do for these young kids.

If I can take a moment to talk to you about helping these young ones to never give up. As I went into classrooms and as I talked to parents I've learned that all it takes is bridging the gap between the parents and the teachers. Helping the kids understand what their abilities are and what their strengths are. Knowing that you can adapt to their situations and bringing out their strengths and highlighting them. I've seen so much going around to the schools. These teachers do such a great job in bringing out the hopes and dreams of these children. Thank you so much teachers. Thank you so much parents. Thank you for being willing to always sacrifice and do the things you can.

I was very touched by a lot of the personal stories I heard both from parents and
from teachers. I was touched by teachers that chose to teach because they personally
struggled with a learning disability. Their mission is to inspire and help those that struggle. There are so many untold stories of success, of not giving up, of moving forward through the struggles you may have in the world. Understand this as you continue to believe in your purpose, understand why you are doing
what you're doing, and know who you are and where you came from - you are setting the stage for success. We all come from different places, different experiences, and different circumstances. We might not have a great home life, we might not have support from home.we have to get that support from wonderful teachers and those
around us. It might be the opposite and you don't get the support you need outside of the home and you're always faced with teasing or tormenting even if you don't
have a learning disability. You want to be able to respond with strong self-esteem and confidence no matter what it might be that you struggle with. Remember not to give up on yourself.

I've been inspired with this trip. I appreciate the teachers who let me come into their classrooms. I appreciate the parents and also the kids. Visiting with the kids reminds me so much of me and I appreciate when they opened their hearts
and shared their stories with me.. They shared how it feels to struggle when it comes to learning. They shared that it's tough no matter what their disability may be physically or intellectually. The feelings are the same, the frustration and anxiety and tension are the same. The sense at times of not knowing why you feel the way you feel, of being frustrated with the worldaround you. They reminded me of why we started the Never Give Up Foundation. Our mission is to never have a kid feel that frustration or anxiety.

To all of these kids, their parents, and the teachers - keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing you all again. Thank you for the experience. I loved it and it helps me to keep moving forward and never give up. Remember who you are and what you stand for and where you're going. Always live your life with purpose. I love you
all. Thank you for sharing a moment of your life with me.

Parenting for Children with Special Needs October 11,2008

Parenting for Children with Special Needs

October 11, 2008

  • I just want to thank you for all that you do for our children. I am leaving very satisfied with this meeting. It was my first time here and I have more to learn.

  • Thank you for your time. I learned a little more to be able to help my daughter and family. I would like to know more about autism.

  • I just wan to thank you for the great help that I received today. I feel more calm/at peace now because I know that I’ll be able to help my son to realize his dreams, but more than anything that he have confidence and a sense of security in himself.

  • The meeting helps the parents a lot how to understand our kids with learning disability. Thank you for having this kind of meeting it really helps us.

  • The presentation was great. Lots of information. Very informative. Thank you.

  • I just have to thank you for all the support.

  • I love coming to talk to Matt. This is my 4th class. I think I really understand all about FEAR and the effect and how I need to change some of my ways and I always go hopeful after seeing Matt and Dr. King.

  • That was an outstanding presentation. I feel like I’m complete to work with my child. Thanks so much.

  • Thank you for your invitation. The meeting was very efficient and very informative. The presentations were very good. I hope these continue. Especially impressed by presenter, Matthew.

  • It was my first experience in that kind of meeting. It was really helpful and interesting.

  • Good. I loved it. I want to come again!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Parents testimonials about the workshop:)

Parenting for Children with Special Needs
June 16, 2008

Thank you. I learned that I am doing many things right, but still have years of work, love and hope ahead. Looking forward to the next one.

Great presentation! Thank you.

The fear/hope a new message which I hope will bring a lot of change (positive) for families. What if you have the love/hope going but spouse is caught up in fear/anxiety?

Great lecture and need more upcoming session to learn more for special needs children. I wish there is a cd selling this very educational lecture.

My son is this happy-go-lucky kind of kid, popular, goes to all IEPs, but is mostly concerned about getting on the computer while there. His “life” goal is to work with robots and race cars. I need help getting him focused on school work; getting organized, remembering assignments, remembering school tools.

Well presented, not enough time to cover the material. Will the next class be available to parents at Mountain Ave? I didn’t hear about this until Friday.

It was just great!

Nice presentation! Very therapeutic! Good ideas!

It was a really nice meeting, it help me a lot to understand my son disability. It gave me hope for my son education.

Fear vs. hope – always a powerful reminder, and one I’ve been doing a lot of work on. I really feel like I’ve made a shift, really attending and connecting with Jack – facing the fear of rejection and just loving him.

It was very helpful and I feel that I am not alone.

Parents testimonials about the WorkShop:)

Parenting for Children with Special Needs
August 23, 2008

I learn a lot from this class. I hope you have another class soon.

Thank you for your wonderful presentation. Help me a lot about how to work with my feelings and my son’s feelings. I believe my dreams and my son’s dreams can be true.

Excellent presentation. I hope we can get you to present in San Marino.

Thank you. Benefitted from having my husband attend with me – hearing about his experience and the information about parent’s rights I did not know.

Great job Matt and Kelly. I really like the changes you’ve made, and how the famous people with disabilities were scattered throughout, rather than the closing. I’m still a fan!

More please! Thank you very much.

I feel my eyes have been opened more about embracing what my child’s needs are and how I can assist and understand more fully. Thank you! P.S. I especially enjoyed the parent collaboration component.

Great job! Good luck with the foundation.

It was right on. Thank you for bringing the children’s point of view into focus for those who do not naturally see it.

On the Road with Never Give Up Foundation!

  • The California League of Schools Conference taking place December 1-3 in San Diego, California
  • Parenting Workshop March 21, 2009 (Los Angeles,Glendale)
  • Educational Conference prsentation January 15-16, 2009 (Monterey , CA)
  • Parenting Workshop December 13, 2008 ( St. George, Utah)
  • Elementary presentation November 19, 2008 (St. George, Utah)
  • Educational Conference presentation November 6-8, 2008( San Diego, CA)
  • High school presentation October 15, 2008(Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Middle school presentation October 15, 2008(Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Communication workshop October 14, 2008 ( Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary prese October 14, 2008 (Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary presentation October 14, 2008 (Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Communication workshop October 13, 2008 (Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary presentation October 13, 2008 (Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary presentation October13, 2008 (Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Parenting for children with special needs presentation October 11, 2008 ( Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary presentation October 10, 2008 ( Los Angeles, Glendale)
  • Elementary presentation October 9,2008 ( Los Angeles, Glendale)